Progressive-metal pioneers, Tool just released a new product! No, much to the dismay of all their die-hard fans, it’s not the new record you’ve been waiting for…yet, that is. It’s a brand-new blanket made of old T-shirts.
Yes, you heard it right, folks! Now for the bargain-value price of a measly two-hundred American dollars, you can own your very-own patchwork quilt fully-clad, baring the signature-name of Tool itself on each and every T-shirt square of originality.
The blankets reportedly have been described as: “hand-sewn to soft, comfortable fleece,” and are, “comfortable enough for home use, durable enough for festivals.”
Recognized for what could very-well be interpreted as a clever marketing scheme in an effort to mirror their ambivalent relationship with the music-industry, these blankets are cut individually and sewn in none other than the U-S-of-A. Reinforced with polyester-thread, double-stitching to fit the 75 x 75 dimensions of topside 100% cotton and bottomside-fleece, this product could very well snag a viable audience.
After an eight-year uphill battle concerning the legalities of album cover-art, Tool have most certainly been hard at work crafting the follow-up to 2006’s 10,000 Days. Now while no definite release-date has been set, long-time guitarist, Adam Jones says they hope to drop the record sometime this year.
3 NEW TOOL LIMITED EDITION multi-purpose BLANKETS in the SHOP (see collectibles) at http://t.co/o0n3GHt07K. VERY LIMITED NUMBER PRODUCED!
— TOOL effing TOOL (@Tool) August 31, 2015