Straight Outa Compton is a film that describes the hardships of rappers like Eazy E in becoming a successful musician. However, there are now some controversies surrounding the late rapper as to how he died. His son, Marquise Wright, alleges that Suge Knight, another musician who was close to the late artist, might have something to do with Eazy’s short end to his life.
Eazy E died in March 1995, after contacting the AIDS virus one month after arriving at a hospital for treatment of asthma related symptoms. Marquise Wright believes otherwise and alleges that Knight pumped his father with illegal substances. After the film was debuted in theaters across America, a video clip of Knight being interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel’s in 2003, shows Suge Knight expressing his feelings for the loss of the Compton musician as both a friend and co-worker. Months after the rapper suddenly died from AIDS, his last album, Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton was released.
Members from the Bone Thugs-N-Harmony group were interviewed on VladTV about their reactions to E’s sudden death. Group member Wi$h Bone said that it was too sudden for the musician to die as Eazy was only 31 years old. But given the fact that in 1995, the AIDS scare was more about how to little the information on the disease was present at the time and what they knew about the carriers and how it was thought to be spread. Even though anyone can get AIDS now by further studies and examinations into the habits that people often carry out on a regular basis like sex and drugs. AIDS can be contacted through openings from the body like sores or even untreated wounds. “Even to this day, none of his kids, none of his baby mamas, mistresses, nobody has came up with HIV or nothing like that. So just rationally thinking, something had to go on,” Wi$h Bone said in the interview video for VladTV.
Marquise Wright recently posted a picture on his Instagram account saying that he knew Knight might have been involved with his dad’s death where he remembered the time that his father and Knight were in the recording studio the same night his father contacted the virus. He expresses his anger for what Knight did and why fans of the film should not feel any remorse for the musician after watching his interview on Kimmel’s show. Knight is currently facing charges for the attack on a photographer who helped with the Compton film promotional video.
Whichever way he died, losing Eazy was a tragedy for everyone who knew the musician on a professional and personal level. Even though Knight has been dismissed of his involvement with the alleged assault that happened with the photographer, no one is certain what really happened that night following Knight and Eazy’s recording session. However, as fans of Eazy’s music and the people who watched the latest film in honor of Eazy’s death, there might be some encouragement to dig up the past and uncover some interesting information and the truth of what really went down that dreadful night.