Revenge of the Goats
Constricting Rage Of The Merciless is Goatwhore’s sixth album, and their 18th active year in music. Since their inception they have consistently released albums that have brought the listener to sludgy swamps of Louisiana where they reside. Adding pinches of their Southern influence to their black metal thrash.
It’s no different on Constricting Rage Of The Merciless. Released last year, the album contains what are sure to be every Goatwhore fans new favorite songs. Songs like “Poisonous Existence in Reawaking” and “Unraveling Paradise” are the usual thrash bangers Goatwhore unleashes. The closing track “Externalize This Hidden Savagery” is as heavy as any Goatwhore song in the last 15 years.
Goatwhore do a great job of releasing consistent material that is never low-balled, but there isn’t much variety here. Once you’ve heard one song then you have pretty much heard them all. The effort is there – which lead to some of the best moments on the album – with songs like “Baring Teeth for Revolt.” There is a touch of some other influences including a bit of doom, on “Heaven’s Crumbling Walls of Pity” and even some ’80s hair metal on “Baring Teeth for Revolt.” But other than these deviations the music is pretty much the same as their other works. But that’s OK. Goatwhore don’t have to change, it’s why people are still fans of this band after all these years. They constantly deliver the goods and have knack for writing good blackened death metal songs.
You would assume that after almost 15 years in the business and nearly as many members passing through (only two of the original members remain, new guys seem to hold down the fort pretty well though) that Goatwhore would be slowing down, or taking the easy road. That is not the case. Although it is pretty similar to most of their catalogue – which is common amongst many metal bands – Constricting Rage Of The Merciless delivers on all fronts. Goatwhore fans shouldn’t just be happy; they should be thrilled about Goatwhore’s triumphant return to their turntables.