WATCH: Girlpool Release New Video For “Magnifying Glass”

Teenage duo, Cleo Tucker and Harmony Tividad, came out with new album early June of this year. Before The World Gets Big, is their forthcoming debut album. The teenage girls named their band after a chapter from the story Cat’s Cradle. When Tucker and Tividad started their band, they’d cobbled together a self-titled cassette featuring five biting and bare-boned punk songs that explore topics like shallow boys, unfair gender roles, and getting off in early 2014. Wichita Recordings in London, England caught wind of their music and asked them to join the company. The girls started working on some shows after re-releasing their music as an EP on vinyl. Both girls recently released a music video for their single “Magnifying Glass”, which is on the debut album. It’s only 38 seconds long, but it is one of the songs that discusses the girls most recent relocation from L.A. to Philly and the angst of teenagers being thrown into the adult world without any guidance as to navigate the way adults live.

Despite the move being so difficult to understand, the girls are more in sync with each other writing the music than ever before.

The music video and the song both describe the way teenagers feel anger and confusion when they are dealing with what type of information and knowledge they understand about the adult world. The duo rub flowers on their faces and jumps out of flower beds, trying to bring back the sweet memories of summer and childhood. Expressions of wild and crazy hysteria about how to be and adult, when they themselves do not feel like one just yet. For some teenagers who are thrown into a world of unending responsibilities, this video and song explain what it means to be on the verge of giving up or becoming a strong leader in you own life.

“I need to understand what it means for Harmony in order for me to be able to sing it, or else it’s like looking through blurry shades,” Tucker says. “Sometimes, we’ll discuss one line for two and a half hours.”

Heather Wilkins: Heather Wilkins is an intern at MXDWN. She is pursuing careers in techincal writing and journalist fields.
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