Husky has a new record that’s only a couple of days away from being released. In what’s a fairly unusual single release blitz, Husky has elected to release two new singles off of the record just prior to the record’s release. Both “Arrow” and “Mirror” feature unique new sounds that play to the greatest strengths of the group: lush harmonies, lulling guitar elements, and a fantastic hook that pulls it all in together.
It’s a little unusual for a band or solo recording artist to release a massive string of album singles just a couple of days before the record releases, yet Husky has chosen to do so anyhow, and the two singles that they’ve chosen to release are unbelievable. The first of these two tracks, “Mirror” is a bit of a trick. At first, it becomes easy to get lost in the lush, alluring harmonies and lulling acoustic guitar phrases that take center stage on the single. Then suddenly, almost out of nowhere and with no real warning, a fantastic hook comes in about halfway through the track and it sort of takes you by surprise. It only lasts a little over a minute before settling back into the section of turf that it carved out earlier in the song, and yet it feels as though there were no steps missed in that transition.
The second track, “Arrow,” takes a slightly different approach. Although the harmonies are still there, an electric guitar takes place of the acoustic heard in “Mirror,” and there’s a bit more of a rockier feel to the song than that heard in “Mirror.” The uptempo song contrasts nicely with “Mirror,” and feels like the perfect complement to “Mirror.” The songs are so great both on their own and when paired together that it would be tough to call one song a B-Side of the other. They feel so perfect for each other that it would make sense to feature both tracks as a double A-Side. The tracks offer a little something for everyone: a mellow, beautifully-produced indie hit in “Mirror,” and a slightly rockier, more commercially-accessible track in “Arrow.”
We won’t have much longer to wait for the new record from Husky. Ruckers Hill is due out on June 2nd.