LISTEN: Jean Michel Jarre Releases New Song “Glory” Featuring M83

Jean Michel Jarre is working on a collaborative new album that will be due out sometime this year. Recently released off of the album, Jarre has revealed a new track off of the album called “Glory,” a new track that was recorded with M83.

The electronic melodies that pepper Jean Michel Jarre’s “Glory” sounds like everything that electronic music has been trying to be for the last ten years. The new collaboration with M83’s Anthony Gonzalez shows off the best of what Jarre, who has been recording since ’76, has to offer the music world, and what he offers is extraordinary. What follows in the immediate seconds of the four-minute long track is akin to an exploration in a deep electronic ocean. The song broadcasts a vibrant array of colors: deep blue, hints of orange and yellow, then following up with a home run barrage of red rhythms. On the surface, the song appears to be little more than a stereotypical modern electronic pop song, but a deeper exploration beneath the surface shows a complex medley of vibrant electronic pings and steady electric drum beats.

Jarre’s newest album will feature other collaborations with Gesaffelstein, Massive Attack’s 3D, and Tangerine Dream. Each of those three tracks in addition to the M83 collaboration will be released on three vinyl records just ahead of the full album’s release. Be sure to have a listen to “Glory,” just below the article.

Doug Farrell: Am I a hip old lady that can hip-hop, be-bop, dance 'til you drop, and yo-yo make a wicked hot cup of co-co? No, but I am a struggling twenty-eight year old writer who loves music and writing about music.
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