LISTEN: Foxygen Release New Song “24 Hour Lover Man”

Foxygen is supposedly on the verge of calling it quits, but you wouldn’t know that by their musical output over the last couple of weeks. Their latest release sees them sampling one of the all-time great guitarists of the twentieth century, and the end result is pretty special.

Roughly three short weeks ago, Foxygen confirmed the final dates for the Spring and Summer leg of their farewell tour. After an announcement as final as that, one would expect Foxygen to be winding down their production for the coming months. Thus far, what Foxygen has produced over the last few months has represented the antithesis of that assumption. They have just unleashed a brand new track called “24 Hour Lover Man,” a brutal electrical assault on the senses. The lyrics that come out of this new jingle are enough to spin many heads, lyrics themselves that are almost impossible to unearth, the words buried under a massive mountain of grinding electric guitars, seething electronic fuzz, and mastadonian drums that give the track an almost Lou Reed-ish vibe. Adding to an already stacked pile of fantastic sounds, Foxygen has also sampled Jimi Hendrix’s “Manic Depression” throughout the track, adding a background sound that enhances what Foxygen already added into the song.

With the release of “24 Hour Lover Man,” we are left with a tinge of sadness to think that this dynamic electronic duo will soon see their final days as a performing unit. While they leave behind a catalog that will undoubtedly stand the test of time, the test which ultimately allows music to either fade out into oblivion or rise into a new level that wasn’t achieved during its infancy. We can only hope that this is not just the end of Foxygen, but the beginning of a new era for these two wonderful recording artists.

Doug Farrell: Am I a hip old lady that can hip-hop, be-bop, dance 'til you drop, and yo-yo make a wicked hot cup of co-co? No, but I am a struggling twenty-eight year old writer who loves music and writing about music.
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