FFS, the Franz Ferdinand and Sparks collaboration, released a new song titled “Collaborations Don’t Work.” The new track will be featured on the group’s self titled album, which is due for release on June 8.
“Collaboration’s Don’t Work” is the third teaser track FSS has released from their official album. The first two tracks, “Piss Off” and “Johnny Delusional” set the tone for what this collaboration will bring to the table once all the tracks of this album are released.
This new track begins with the sound of guitar strums. The song starts with one solo artist singing, “Collaboration’s Don’t Work… I’m gonna do it all by myself.” Roughly 45 seconds into the sound, more voices chime in echoing the sounds of the solo voice and more instrumentals pick up in the background. As the six minutes and 42 seconds song picks up there is a complete shift in the sound that lasts only briefly before returning to the feel of the beginning. Again and again throughout this quirky track FFS plays around with the melody, the speed, and the rhythm to create an interesting sound that fuses Franz Ferdinand and Sparks.
According to NME, Franz Ferdinand and Sparks first began talking about a possible collaboration back in 2004 around the time Franz Ferdinand released their single “Take Me Out.” Despite this, plans did not fall into place until 2013. In addition to the release of their new album, FFS is scheduled to make some appearances during the summer. The group will play their first ever show at Glasgow Arts School on June 16.
FFS’ new track “Collaborations Don’t Work” is available below for fans to listen to as well as the tracklist for their upcoming album. Any additional updates about FFS can be found on the group’s official website.
FFS Tracklisting
01. Jonny Delusional
02. Call Girl
03. Dictator’s Son
04. Little Guy From The Suburbs
05. Police Encounters
06. Save Me From Myself
07.So Desu Ne
08. The Man Without A Tan
09. Things I Won’t Get
10. The Power Couple
11. Collaborations Don’t Work
12. Piss Off