Thrash Til Ya Crash
Breathless and dizzied are two of a slew of adjectives that could describe how Bloodrocuted’s sophomore album, Disaster Strikes Back, leaves you feeling. Espoused by fellow review magazines, this band hailing from Belgium has been kicking it up a notch within the genre of Thrash Metal since 2010. While their premiere album held nothing back and was pure adrenaline, many listeners had hoped the band would mature within their song writing a tad more in future releases. How will this album fare?
The answer to that question: fantastically. Disaster Strikes Back brings all the adrenaline to the table while showcasing improvements within songwriting. The band’s heroes shine through in their compositions; one could definitely hear some MegaDeth, Anthrax and Slayer shining through. The mix on the album is a little strange however. The bass, while played beautifully with fantastic, heart-pounding composition, was too loud. It over-layed too heavily and at times distracted from the songs themselves. Aside from that, truly impressive guitar solos abound and the drum work makes you feel like the guy deserves a meal with a calorie count that’s over nine thousand. Everything comes together on tracks like “Consumer of Death” where the band immediately commands your attention with a sick, choppy bass line intro into more technical guitar and drum work, and “Human-Beast” where the only description for the guitar solo, though not descriptive enough, is “super cool.”
The band’s mixing issues are truly trivial with the work they put forth, leaving your head spinning and you wanting more. They have improved greatly over the span of two albums, truly earning such a metal name as Bloodrocuted. With Disaster Strikes Back giving us ten hardcore tracks, what more could you want?