Hey proud owners of Samsung phones that utilize Milk Music. You again have your chance to shine at South By Southwest here in Austin, TX. Samsung is back in big fashion with an exclusive party for Samsung Galaxy owners. If you missed Jay-Z and Kanye last year well then you can make it up with Iggy Azalea, A$AP Rocky and Hot Chip this year. Horray! These acts will be spread across 3 different parties, Azalea’s on March 18, A$AP Rocky’s on March 19 and Hot Chips on March 20. Check for how you can get into one of the most exclusive parties of the festival after the jump!
March 18,19,20 @ Samsung Galaxy’s Undisclosed Location
How to get your wristband – Starting at 11am the Samsung Studio at 2nd and Trinity will hand out bands first come first serve. The party is held at a undisclosed location so make sure you grab a wristband to be in the know!
Full line up:
Iggy Azalea – Wednesday March 18
A$AP Rocky – Thursday March 19
Hot Chip – Friday March 20