Motor Sister – Ride

Nostalgic yet Satisfying

Scott Ian of Anthrax, Pearl Aday of Pearl (also daughter and backup singer of Meat Loaf), Joey Vera of Armored Saint, and John Tempesta of White Zombie join forces with Jim Wilson to bring you Motor Sister’s Ride, a veritable greatest hits of Mother Superior, Wilson’s former band. Having stemmed originally from a birthday wish of Scott Ian’s, their jam session progressed, grew, and produced the very album to be reviewed today.  With the tracks reading as a best-of list of Ian’s favorite band, it would be a worry that a new band composed of amazing and skilled musicians would make the songs different from the original sound.  This is not the case. Ian, Wilson and the band play through each song solid, as amazing as the old versions, with just a little bit of flavor from everyone in the band.

Bluesy rock from go, Ride completely exudes the same sort of soulful feeling the renditions under Mother Superior provided. “This Song Reminds Me Of You” slips from a hard guitar and excellent bass-line into a gorgeous gospel from Jim Wilson. In “Fool Around,” another, slower blues rock song, Aday, Ian’s wife, does background vocals, really rounding out the solemn hopeful feeling that drives the song. There is variety however, bouncing from the gospel and blues to harder songs like “Get That Girl,” a definite crowd pleaser, and “Beg Borrow Steal,” both of which have impressive guitar solos, memorable lyrics, and just all out dance-ability.

While many of our readers may not have heard of Mother Superior, now is the best time to check them out through this album. Never has there been a better or more conveniently served up opportunity for one to experience a band that they both haven’t heard of and are sure to enjoy.

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