Purtiy Ring has put together a new video for their single “Bodyache,” and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Coupled together with the knowledge of a new record in the works, and the excitement for Purity Ring in the early days of 2015 has reached a new level.
I’m not sure what the deal is with Purity Ring and the idea of having a singular image in their music videos, but it seems to work for their music. In the video for “Push,” for example, has a woman floating in the air against a monochromatic background, but the song was pretty incredible, so it almost makes sense in a bizarre way. The video for “Bodyache” shows off yet another singular woman in some sort of full-body suit and/or armor, rocking back and forth on a loop. It’s almost alluring in a sense, as “Bodyache” still highlights the best of what Purity Ring brings to the table: alluring synthy music and lush vocal performances by Megan James. It’s quite an incredible song, and just adds to the enthusiasm for their upcoming album, which is set to come out at some point this year.
Purity Ring has been on again, off again for the last three years, and their unique sound has generated quite a fair amount of buzz in the music industry. They have thus far released one other single alongside “Bodyache,” an equally alluring, melodic track called “Repetition”. “Bodyache,” though simple in design and presentation, is complex in musical layers and beautiful in a way thanks to the amazing vocals provided by Megan James. You can check out the interesting new video below the article here.