The British Music Embassy will be headquartered, once again, at Latitude 30. The lineups are fantastic as usual, and the day parties are free with RSVP. There will be performances by Paper Aeroplanes, Public Service Broadcasting, Go Wolf, and more! Come check out some of the best music that Britain has to offer… get the full details after jump.
Wednesday-Saturday, March 18-21, 2PM-6PM, Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto, Austin, TX, 78701
Wednesday, March 18
Mallory Knox
God Damn
More Than Conquerors
Thursday, March 19
The Twilight Sad
Roddy Hart & The Lonesome Fire
Paper Aeroplanes
The Lost Brothers
Golden Fable
Friday, March 20
Public Service Broadcasting
Boxed In
Hector Bizerk
Go Wolf
Saturday, March 21
Bad Breeding
Arrows Of Love
Holy Esque
United Fruit
The People The Poet
For information on the night showcases, all of the details you could ever want are here.