The crossover/hardcore punk band Iron Reagan, has released the video for “I Won’t Go”, the official music video from their most recent album, The Tyranny of Will.

photo by Raymond Flotat
The black and white video for Iron Reagan’s “I Won’t Go”, begins with a sample from New Jersey Senate candidate Rush Holt’s 2013 campaign ad about global warming that says,
“Either we take real action, or millions will die.”
The video then switches between close up, and fisheye shots of the band playing in a cramped little room, doused with posters, stickers and banners of the band itself. Other than a few jitters, distortion, grain and quick transitions, the video is very simple and personal, as if you are in the middle of one of the band’s home practice sessions.
The band released their first single off of The Tyranny of Will, “Miserable Failure” back in July of this year, which was followed by a video for “Miserable Failure”, and a lyrical video for “Eyeball Gore”.
The band has played numerous music festivals this year including GWAR-B-Q 2014, SXSW 2014, Fun Fun Fun Fest 2014,
The video’s for “I Won’t Go”, “Miserable Failure”, the lyrical video for “Eye Ball Gore”, and the 15 second “Climate Control” campaign ad can be seen below.