Moors – Moors

Not Easy Listening

Moors consists of actor and rapper Keith Stanfield and producer HH, and on their self titled debut EP the two give a nice preview of the unique style they have created. Lyrically all of the songs are dark, but HH does a good job of not letting the dark clouds linger too long.

“Asphyxiated,” starts off this EP and it is a lot to take in.  Stanfield creates some really depressive lyrics such as  “Fuck you looking at reflection/don’t you know I shatter you,” coupled that with HH’s somber approach on the beats, even the happiest person couldn’t keep a smile while listening to this track.

The next two songs pick up the tempo a bit but the content still remains down trodden. “Gas,” has a more contemporary beat but Stanfield isn’t composing top 40 hits.  The lyrics are once again a stark look into darker subject matter.  “Smoke,” would be the only song that could possibly be received by a more mainstream audience but it still keeps it’s edge and is by no means happy.

“Smoke,” ends out the original songs on this album. HH slows the beat back down creating a nice close to the EP.  Looking back once the album is finished, Moors does best when they are dark and broody.  HH has a way of creating really dark accompanying pieces that compliment Stanfield’s style perfectly.

As an introduction this EP does a good job.  It shows both sides of Moors. The dark, contemplative tortured soul while also showing they can spice things up a bit without sounding insincere.  Stanfield has been casted to play Snoop Dog in the upcoming NWA biopic and it is going to be interesting to see once thrown into the spotlight if his style changes or not.  Either way there’s talent present, no doubting that.

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