Trent Reznor is remaining silent about his plans for working with Apple Inc. Although he did tell Billboard his little secret that there is a big project in the making, he will not share any of the juicy details of what he and the billion dollar corporation will be doing.

Photo credit: Raymond Flotat
During an interview with Billboard, Trent Reznor mentioned that he will be working with Apple Inc. for an upcoming project. He does not go into very much detail about what he will be doing to help benefit the already successful company, but he gives a few clues in how he will be doing something major in the future with Apple.
According to Stereogum, “Trent Reznor recently sat down with Billboard for a great interview which touched on a wide range of topics, including his Gone Girl score, failed Hesitation Marks recording sessions with Arcade Fire producer Markus Dravs, his Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame nomination, and his new role at apple as chief creative officer for Beats Music.”
This is what he tells Billboard:
You’re working with Apple. Is this an evolution of your Beats role?
It’s related to that. Beats was bought by Apple, and they expressed direct interest in me designing some products with them. I can’t go into details, but I feel like I’m in a unique position where I could be of benefit to them. That does mean some compromises in terms of how much brain power goes toward music and creating. This is very creative work that’s not directly making music, but it’s around music.Is it about music delivery?
It’s in that world. It’s exciting to me, and I think it could have a big enough impact that it’s worth the effort. I’m fully in it right now, and it’s challenging, and it’s unfamiliar and it’s kind of everything I asked for — and the bad thing is it’s everything I asked for.
Aside from his project with Apple, he spoke to Billboard about other interesting things about his career like his views on being nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rezner states, “I don’t know. Having won a couple Grammys for stupid shit — best metal performance — it’s hard to feel good about the integrity of that. The politics involved and the fact [the Grammys are] a TV show trying to get ratings led me to a pretty sour stance on the world of awards.” He even made some comments about the future of Nine Inch Nails and how he cannot see himself touring and performing forever. He would rather make time for his children in the future: “I’d like to get it to a place where it’s not a commitment of a year of being away, because I don’t want to miss being a father — being present. I would like to create more, in quicker intervals, rather than make an album, disappear for years, go on tour.” There were a lot more interesting things Rezner talks about like his role in movies and his interests in children’s books, and you can read the full interview here.