THE NEIGHBORHOOD recently released a new song titled “Warm” from their upcoming mix tape. This intimate, mellow song is very relaxing to listen to, even as rapper Raury lays a few soft rhymes on the record. You can listen to it now via SoundCloud.

Photo Credit: Marisa Rose Ficara
The Neighborhood has a new album on the way featuring “Warm” and recently released song “Jealousy.” Vocalist Jesse Rutherford explains a little about the story behind the songs on the new album. He says, “”#000000 & #FFFFFF is a diary of songs that are inspired by our thoughts while on the road. It exposes our anxiety, rejoices in our achievement and expresses our ability to create whatever the fuck we want. It’s our freedom to explore popular music as we know it. It’s not us as a band… it’s us as a sound.”
Don’t hesitate to check out their new song “Warm”:
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