The record industry plans to cap the exploding geyser of music piracy with the establishment of a global album release day. And what better day to release music than Friday?
According to Billboard, the new policy will designate Friday as the day of releases in every country. Their statement says, “While sources say that digital music service providers like the Friday street date, not all physical merchants have given the change their blessing; some indie labels and indie merchants are opposed to having the global street date on Friday. They say they like the concept of having street days early in the week because they feel it helps sell more CDs – devout customers of an artist will come in on a Tuesday while other will come in on payday, which is usually at the end of the week. Yet, in the end brick-and-mortar stores and indie labels may not have much say in picking which day of the week functions best as the global street date.”
In order to avoid piracy across timezones and oceans, the record industry has decided to follow suit with the Aussies who have established Friday as the new release day and plan to implement the concept as early as July 2015.