A trio of skull-faced dancers marking time to the Afghan Whigs probably isn’t the strangest thing most New York commuters have seen, but it probably makes top five. The new video for “Matamoros” is out, and it’s awesome.

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat
2014 marks the full revival of the Afghan Whigs. Long respected as one of the most influential bands to emerge from the 80’s and 90’s music scene, the Whigs originally dissolved in 2001. A brief reformation in 2006 produced a couple of new songs, but eventually faltered before anything more could be produced. So it’s been a wait, but patience sometimes pays off. Do to the Beast dropped in April to widespread acclaim.
“Matamoros”, a blistering cut off the new album, was a natural candidate for music video-dom. High-energy and eminently danceable, it’s a perfect background for the frenetic moves of W.A.F.F.L.E, an NYC dance crew who were set loose on an unsuspecting pack of subway passengers.