Bad Veins @ The Mohawk 5/25

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Bad Veins is an indie pop musical group consisting of Benjamin Davis and Jake Bonta. The group formed in 2006 and quickly gained widespread buzz before they even released an album. Their exciting live shows are what paved their road to success. The duo takes the stage in pseudo-army uniforms. They are joined on stage by a vintage megaphone, a reel-to-reel tape player, and a telephone where another mic should be. Bad Veins have been opening support for Two Door Cinema Club, Walk the Moon, Frightened Rabbit, We Were Promised Jetpacks, We Are Scientist, LoveLikeFire, Kevin Devine, Maps & Atlases and more.

Bad Veins have released two studio albums, one self titled, and their most recent, The Mess We’ve Made. Their most recent album was released last year and was produced through Austin-based label Modern Outsider. Front man Benjamin Davis comments on their new album, The Mess We’ve Made:

“It’s much shinier, pop-pier, tighter, and I think it’s more honest. The first album feels a little bit like I’m dwelling on my own instability, whereas in the second record I’m confronting the instability and the issues. There’s been a total evolution of Bad Veins since it started. If you listen to the first EP, and then the first album, and then the second album, they seem somewhat linear, [like] chapters in a story.”

A post by ticketfly, promoting one of Bad Veins’ shows, described their latest album as having a certain underlying perspective. The record is something you would listen to while you are sinking in the thrall of self-doubt, raging on the crushing grip of injustice or staggering under stress. “It takes the listener back to the gyroscopic center of his or her being and restores a sense of peace and inevitability.”

Bad Veins at The Mohawk

Sunday, May 25

Tickets: $10

Doors: 9 PM


All Ages

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