Recently Josh Homme was criticized for some not-so-friendly comments about imagine dragons, everything and the Grammys. He has since explained himself, claiming he was drunk and just joking. That sounds pretty convincing, but get the details below.

Josh Homme on far right
The story began back in January at the Grammys. Josh Homme was set to slam the stage with Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl, and Fleetwood Mac’s Buckingham, but the network responsible for broadcasting the Grammys cut the performance short with a message saying that the “content [was] rejected.” The rock community was pretty outraged and Trent Reznor even sent out some choice four letter words directed at the pansies who couldn’t handle such a killer performance.
The network’s burn had seemingly been forgotten until Queens of the Stoneage front man, Josh Homme brought it all up again at a Queens of the Stoneage show in Austin, Texas last month. At one point he said, “fuck the Grammys,” but the insult was intermingled with quite a few other specifically-directed profanities. He introduced one of his songs by saying, “this next song is by Imagine Dragons” and then continued by saying, “fuck everything. Fuck the man. Fuck Imagine Dragons and fuck the Grammys.”
Regarding the Grammy and Imagine Dragons diss, Homme explained that he was drunk and wasn’t really worrying about what he was saying.
“I’d play anywhere, I don’t care about the drama. I got misunderstood for something I said when I was reacting to someone in the audience recently, and not to mention I was really drunk. But the truth is, is that I’m a musician, I play my music. I don’t really worry about the rest, and I don’t think it’s necessary to worry or sweat the rest of this stuff. Just go and play your music… I don’t like to be disrespected, but nobody likes that.”
It’s very doubtful he really meant anything by his slew of “insults”. Artists will be artists, right? His music wouldn’t be so good if he held his tongue, so let’s all just give Homme a big “thank you” for his beautiful, filter-less mouth.