LISTEN: Marram Stream “Falling From The Sun” Featuring Jarvis Cocker and Margaret Bennett

The Everything is New Project – the musician collective founded last year in Scotland to provide support to India’s youth – released a new song with appearances of Jarvis Cocker and Margaret Bennett. The intentions meet the music, a beautiful cause and incredible art join forces for a noble cause
Recently we explained what the Everything is New Project was: a combined effort of the scottish collective Transgressive North, in conjunction with the charity Scottish Love in Action to get amazing musicians together to produce music in order to fund India’s Light of Love Children’s Home, an organization that brings relief to the ‘Dalit’ or ‘untouchable’ children from the country who are prone to child prostitution, forced labour and poverty.

As a result of this combination of talents three different pieces of art emerged; a 70-minute film titled “Everything is New” and two full-length albums Sun Choir and Boats. The featured track, “Falling from The Sun”, comes from the first. The Scottish pop band Marram, Jarvis Cocker and Margaret Bennet combined their sound with the children’s choir to produce a beautiful arrangement that seems to evolve constantly. It feels almost as a hymn and illustrates all the good intentions proposed by the Everything is New Project. Check “Falling from The Sun” out after the jump.


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