Though Al Jourgensen claims to be working on a collaboration with Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor, Reznor doesn’t appear to be in the loop.

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat
Back in August, Jourgensen announced that he would be working on two collaborations, one with Lil Wayne and one with Trent Reznor. However, yesterday on a Reddit thread of all places, Reznor confused everyone by, after being asked if he can confirm or deny Jourgensen’s statement, saying:
You know as much as I do. I haven’t heard from Al in years.
Naturally, there followed a plethora of comments with theories as to why Jourgensen would have made such a statement, most of them alluding to the insane lifestyle he leads. Sadly, this means the collaboration appears to be non-existent, though hopefully we can still look forward to the odd pairing of Jourgensen and Lil Wayne.