Oneohtrix Point Never’s New Video “Still Life (Betamale)” Pulled from YouTube and Vimeo

New York electronic artist Oneohtrix Point Never has cemented himself in the experimental oeuvre with a new video portraying a disturbing side of deep web subculture.

The video for “Still Life (Betamale)” (off of Oneohtrix’ upcoming R Plus Seven) pieces together clips of Furries, pornagraphic cartoons and revoltingly soiled living spaces, coming back to an infamous image of a panty-faced bloke presumably about to blow his brains out. A dystopian voice calmly narrates throughout.

As you look at the screen/it is possible to believe you are gazing into eternity.

Youtube initially pulled the video for violating their terms of service, then the Vimeo mirror was pulled. While it is still certainly available through other channels, attempting to link to the video is futile as long as the internet police are in full swing. Google it. You know you want to.

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