Music For Commoners As Well
Every music fanatic shares a common dream. We dream of that special moment of discovery— finding a band that is special and destined for adoration by the masses, but we’re the first fans. We’ll have first pressing of their records and EPs. We’ll be crammed into dingy basements, watching these soon-to-be-gods learn to stretch their wings and fly, and one day in a huge theater or arena we can look down our noses at all of the bandwagon fans and proudly wear a t-shirt the bassist actually handed to us back in the good old days. Princess Music is one of these bands.
Sporting five core members and a slew of guest orchestra members, Princess Music has hints of Vampire Weekend, Hans Zimmer and all things beautiful in this world, but they manage to present it all as fresh material. Formed in 2011, Princess Music just released Obodenidae on Hot Congress Records.
Everything about the album is gorgeous. The arrangements are whimsical and cinematic—the good feelings they evoke play out like a story. Every track carries a story in the music alone. Lead vocalist Tyler Ludwick’s voice provides a calming backbone to the instrumentals and the album never jets too far in any direction. It remains calm but engaging, as on ”Sprinkler.” Here, the drums and electric guitars get to have a little fun and so do we. Whenever you need a pick-me-up dance in your car or living room, just blast this track at full volume and watch your troubles drift away.
While there is nothing blatantly wrong with Obodenidae, it makes a listener ready to hear more, and excited to watch the growth of this incredible band. Skip getting this gem online, though, and give those old, dusty record stores a visit and grab it on vinyl. No particular reason why— this album just begs to be heard the old-fashioned way with some tea and a cozy sitting arrangement.

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