Lazy – Obsession

Laziness is a Virtue

The west coast has been a haven for lo-fi party punk bands like Fidlar, Pangea and Meat Market. It seems like Chicago has followed suit with the group Lazy. The name says it all (not to say this band doesn’t work hard), giving off the slacker vibes the kids these days love. And what’s not to love? Loud, fast and aggressively played rock n’ roll is fun as hell. Lazy’s Obsession seeks to get it right. “Party City” is just under three minutes of loud guitar, police sirens, snarls and all that jazz.

Imagine finally setting down that keg of cheap American beer in your friend’s backyard and throwing this song on. Instantly, a cloud of smoke, slices of pizza, the neighbor’s dog, panties and dirt come flying at your face. It’s definitely the weekend in Party City, USA. “Work It Out” is no doubt a skate track to end all skate tracks. We’re not talking about a vert ramp either. This song is torn jeans, a pack of cigs and your chipped cruiser you bought off your older brother in grade school. You’re whipping around corners and kickflipping off trash cans. Who needs a skate park in Party City, USA?

By now, you’ve realized that each song is oddly prefaced by some ambient, almost ’70s TV drama soundtrack to set the mood. It makes sense. In between each party in Party City, USA, you want to decompress in front of the boob tube. Let the Doritos rain endlessly into your lap as “Childhood Wonder” and “Silence in Crisis” pump your little face with unadulterated punk. It’s really that simple… in Party City, USA. Your visit to Party City, USA wasn’t in vain. You made some friends; maybe even made out a couple times. In the end, your buds Lazy are just that: your buds. They played loud and fast like you asked, and that’s all you really need to have a good time. Obsession “gets it right,” because it’s so hard to get it wrong.

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