The Roskilde Festival is Denmark will be have Slipknot as a featured headlining act on its 2013 edition and playing on the Orange Stage. The Iowa metal act will be joining previously announced acts Queens of the Stone Age, Volbeat, Sigur Ros, C2C, Kvelertak, Deadelus and Goat as part of the bill.

Their debut self titled album was released 15 years ago and they quickly became one of the fastest rising metal bands at the time. Their angst fuelled sound and their powerful live shows made them one of the most important acts of their era.
Slipknot made their Roskilde debut in 2004 and then in 2009 advanced to their Orange Stage and the top billing.
Tickets are now available for the festival and are DKK 1790 (Estimated EUR 240). Prices will go up starting March 1st to DKK 1890. A single festival ticket will grant access to eight days and 200 musical acts. Tickets are sold through Billetlugen.
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