Santigold w/ White Arrows @ The Fox Theater 12/12


Philadelphia-born Santigold will bring her refreshing pop beats to the Fox Theater next Wednesday, December 12th. Releasing an excellent, albeit with harsh reviews, sophomore album this past April, Santi White at first glance appears to be another main stream pop artist. Her tunes are catchy, they make you dance, and there’s enough spunk in her melodies for M.I.A. lovers to appreciate. At closer glance, however, you realize that Santigold is among the creatives of the industry; she produces her own beats, writes her own songs, utilizes world-music influences with class, and her lyrics have wit and substance. She’s really saying something when she makes you dance.

White Arrows is claimed to be a psychotropical pop group from LA, but they seem to be another indie-pop 5-set with a synth-familiar keyboardist. However, their awesome and fun live show got them picked up by High Roads Touring before they even had an album in the works. “Dry Land is Not a Myth” debut album released this past June is a normal sweet and catchy summertime surf pop record, but with enormous potential.

Fox Theater Oakland

Wednesday December 12th

8pm All Ages

$27.50 tickets

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