Just in time for election day, Shilpa Ray releases a music video about reproductive rights:
The song was inspired by the comments made by Representative Todd Aikin, who stated that women who are raped will not conceive since “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Ray, who has wondered aloud how this whole discussion would go if we were talking about men, decided to take matters into her own hands (wink wink) and make a song about how guys kill off millions of lives each time they do the salami solo.
The video, which features controversial soundbites regarding women’s reproductive rights (including Aikin’s), as well as men protesting for their own right to nocturnal emissions, was created to raise awareness, making people turn the tables on men to see just how ridiculous these conservative beliefs are.
Ray, who has toured with Man Man and Acid Mother’s Temple, is currently working on a solo release.
Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat
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