The Dismemberment Plan Confirms Work On First New Album Since 2001

The Dismemberment Plan are working on their first album since 2001’s Change.dismembermentplan3dismembermentplan3

The Dismemberment Plan were a prominent band in the 90s and early 2000s before going on a hiatus. They have been been playing scattered shows over the last few years but it is now looking like they will be releasing an album of new material.

Frontman Travis Morrison tweeted on October 2nd promising information relating to a new Dismemberment Plan album. He said:

“just comped new Plan lyrics into one book. I do this when our albums are 80% done or so. A little amped, I can’t lie. #nowbacktowork

You can now view live versions of two new songs below.

“Daddy Was A Real Good Dancer”:

“To Be With the One You Love”:

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