The Jealous Sound with Daytrader & Cardboard Lamb @ The Satellite 10/20

jealous sound tourjealous sound tour

L.A. – based indie/rock band The Jealous Sound announced a fall tour that will find them headlining the Satellite on Saturday, October 20th. They last played in L.A. supporting their 2012 album A Gentle Reminder, which was a strong follow-up to 2003’s Kill Them with Kindness. Vocalist Blair Shehan said that he and the rest of the band are:

Looking forward to playing the old favorites, a couple from ‘A Gentle Reminder’ that didn’t make the set last tour and a brand new song that we’re very excited about…

Along for the fun will be Daytrader, the Long Island-based indie/punk band whose new album Twelve Years was released by Rise Records back in May. (Think punk-infused indie-rock with tinges of Jimmy Eat World and Brand New thrown into the mix). Additional support will come from Cardboard Lamb.

The combination of the Jealous Sound’s emotionally-tinged indie rock with Daytrader’s harder-edged approach make this tour seem like a perfect match – so be sure to pick up your tickets to the Satellite gig (they’re only $12!).

Fine print:

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Doors: 8:30 PM

The Satellite

1717 Silverlake Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90028

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