Tyler, The Creator Arrested for Vandalism at The Roxy

It’s time for the newest installment of the endless antics of Tyler, The Creator.  Tyler’s most recent stunt took place at The Roxy in Hollywood, California, where the rapper vandalized the venue’s sound equipment.

The police arrived at The Roxy after Tyler, The Creator was accused of destroying the venue’s soundboard.  The concert, which was intended to be a holiday show by Odd Future, ended up with their bandleader in cuffs.  TMZ reported that Tyler, The Creator allegedly punched a sound engineer at the venue as well, which can be witnessed in a video of the incident that has surfaced.  The police had to call for backup after crowds of people swarmed the streets.

Roxy owner Nic Adler said that the sound was cut in the final moments of Odd Future’s last song because girls at the front of the crowd were being endangered of getting hurt by the crowd’s livelihood.  Apparently, this was not made clear to Odd Future, which prompted Tyler, The Creator to act as he did.  Nic Adler reported, “They didn’t realize why I cut the sound, didn’t realize the safety issues.”  Adler went on to clarify that he did not order the arrest of the rapper.

Watch the short video clip of the incident below.


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