Adam Arcuragi Announces New Album Like a fire that consumes all before it To be Released on January 31

Adam Arcuragi’s third full-length album,  Like a fire that consumes all before it, is set to be released on January 31 2012.  It will be his first release on his new label, Thirty Tigers, and will once again feature The Lupine Choral Society as his instrumental backing on the record.

Like a fire that consumes all before it was produced by Duane Lundy at his studio in Lexington, Kentucky mostly from live recordings that were tracked over a short 12 day period.  The album should maintain the intimacy and livelihood that Arcuragi’s concerts are celebrated for, since the band was tracked together in a live format rather than by the more common method of recording each instrument and voice separately.  This choice was inspired by the Phil Spector era of recordings and old-time folk recordings that utilized the live format to enable many sounds to blend together in the space of the recording studio. This often forms a more vibrant sound, since the musicians are better able to feel the intensity of the song while they record it.

The title of the album, Like a fire that consumes all before it, is relevant to Arcuragi on two different levels of allusion.  The first references Homer, who included this line in his epic poem, The Illiad. The other reference is to Cy Twombly, who appropriated Homer’s line to be the title of one of his paintings, the very one which happens to be Arcuragi’s favorite.

Arcuragi utilizes a fluctuating cast of musicians who are dubbed The Lupine Chorale Society to assist his musical compositions.  In the past, previous members have belonged to other projects like War on Drugs, These United States, and Rogue Wave.  The current installment of The Lupine Chorale Society that contributed toward Like a fire that consumes all before it, includes Jack Carter, Harrison Barrow, Matt Luyk and Andrew Gerhan.

Expect to be consumed the the intimate musings of Adam Arcuragi when his new album is released at the beginning of the new year.

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