New Order Reforms for European Benefit Shows

New Order, the post-punk outfit that came from the wreckage of Joy Division after Ian Curtis’ suicide in 1980, disbanded for the third time in 2007. They’re back again this year, albeit without the addition of founding bassist Peter Hook, for couple of live European performances in the fall—their first performances in five years.6346.14.large6346.14.large

Hook will presumably not be joining the band due to his ongoing public feud with the group that began after he departed in 2007. The new lineup is original members guitarist/keyboardist Gillian Gilbert, vocalist Bernard Sumner and drummer Stephen Morris along with new members Phil Cunningham and Thom Chapman on guitar and bass, respectively.

There are two scheduled shows on the reformed group’s roster, both of which will be benefit concerts for Michael Shamberg, producer to the band.  Those dates are Brussels, DE on October 17 and Paris on October 18.

According to Sumner in a recent prepared statement, the band reformed primarily to play those benefit concerts:

“Michael has been with us from the very start. Initially he was in charge of Factory New York, then became creative producer for all our early videos.

He brought our attention to the early works of Directors such as Kathryn Bigelow, Gina Birch, Robert Breer, Peter Care and Phillipe Decouffle. Michael is very ill and needs constant medical attention. We want to help him, and these shows will contribute financial support towards his ongoing care.”

No other dates are confirmed and it is not clear whether or not the band intends to play any other shows during their reformation.


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