Being an old school rock-n-roll fan, I was expecting a melancholy, sleepy, please-be over soon evening. I couldn’t have been more mistaken in that presumption. Kate Miller-Heidke of Brisbane, Australia not only has an incredible voice but a stage presence that mingles with the audiences in the same comfortable way you would around your best friends. She makes you feel good with her melodies, laugh with her wit and charm, and actually not want it to end, anytime soon anyway.
It was pretty amazing at the Hotel Café in Hollywood, CA on this pleasantly cool June evening. Miller-Heidke and her guitarist weren’t even noticed going on stage until the music started. Then the house got silent in seconds. I had never seen anything like it before.
The show was sold out and there was only tight standing room throughout the café. Having never heard of her before, I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm I heard from speaking with patrons prior to her performance. Miller-Heidke is on tour promoting her album, Curiouser, which reached platinum status in September of 2009. The album has great hits like “The Last Day on Earth,” which has gone double platinum in Australia since its release, and one of my favorites, “Are You Fucking Kidding Me?”
My rating of this performance is 5 whiskys up! There is no doubt in my mind of the remarkable talent of this artist. She is not up-n-coming. She is here, and she needs to be heard more around the world. I for one am glad that I did. If you have a chance to see her, do it.
For show dates and other information regarding Miller-Heidke you can go to her website at