In tandem with Converse, Scion and Spaceland Productions, Greg Anderson of Southern Lord Records and Sam James Velde of the band Night Horse have organized a free festival August 8 at the Echo and the Echoplex in Glendale, Calif.
The festival, The Power of the Riff, will encompass all things heavy and will include metal, hardcore, hard rock and punk acts. Established acts such as Corrosion of Conformity, Repulsion, From Ashes Rise, Trap Them, Coliseum, and Goatsnake will be accompanied by up-and-coming acts such as Nails, The Fucking Wrath, Night Horse, Eagle Twin and Black Breath. The Power of the Riff is a free and open to all ages, but RSVP through the festival’s website is strictly required. Visit the festival’s website for more info.