Paramore – Brand New Eyes

You’ll Be Seeing Them, Like it Or Not

Paramore’s latest album, Brand New Eyes, is definitely an unexpected surprise. Young Haley Williams’s amazing vocal abilities truly shine through and her unstoppable climb to the top of music charts will be unmistakably evident.

The song most recognizable to most people (and overplayed on radios nationwide) is single “Ignorance,” which is the gem of the album. In most cases, repetition is not welcome, let alone accepted in a hit song, but Paramore is more than capable of pulling it off. Fast paced, captivating, and utterly rhythmic, this song will take hold of you and not let go until your ears bleed.

Many artists these days, including Paramore, are taking a more theological approach to their music, and this album is no different in that sense. With songs like “Playing God,” “Turn it Off” and “Misguided Ghosts,” Haley brings religion into the mix, disregarding the fact that some might not want to hear about a higher power. Though this little disappointment does bring them down several points, the songs are still incredible, giving  ballads everywhere something to beat. “Brick by Boring Brick” is another melodic masterpiece in a sea of near perfection. This song, which seems to have inspired the cover art, is lyrically the best. A sort of hodgepodge of different fairy tales, it draws you into a fantasy that spins in your head even after you’ve moved on from the album.

With interesting cover art, a unique blend of lyrics and tunes, and Williams’s voice, Paramore have outdone Misery Business and proven they are not just another emo fad waiting to fizzle out. They’re here to stay they can only get better.

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