The Cab – Whisper War & Lady Luck EP

Luck Be a Lady Tonight

Energetic, catchy, and upbeat, things we all look for when deciding on who’s hot and who’s not. Luckily, The Cab have those three principle qualities. Their breakout album, Whisper War, has already seen the beginnings of mainstream success, hitting number 108 in its first week according to the Billboard charts list. Their first single, “One of Those Nights”, features Brendon Urie (Panic! At The Disco) and Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) and sounds like the musical offspring of both of their groups, which isn’t bad if you like clones. Asking for something new in this day and age can be ridiculous, but The Cab seem to at least try with some success in the album’s third single, “Bounce”. Bounce features a pop melody that gets stuck under your skin like a bad itch with a good beat. The fast paced rhythm of the combined songs gives the feel of a second rate punk show, but the pop aspect of the album makes it all the better and slightly alright.

The album is an altogether decent sound for the shower and a unique fit to any iPod library, it may even make you feel slightly hipster. The Lady Luck EP is something to treasure despite the jolly goodness of Whisper War. This is their third EP and from the sounds of it, they learned a few new tricks. The cover version of “I Want to Break Free” is amazingly done, rivaling their earlier cover of “Disturbia” and showing their wide range of talents. The Cab partners with Hey Mondays front runner Cassadee Pope in “Take My Hand,” which is the highlight of the EP. “Take My Hand” looks like it’s going to top the charts in no time. Having moved into the major league, it looks like The Cab have taken some of the success from their debut album and put it into this new EP with the song “Lights.” The Cab have touched into their more punk roots with “Lights” but still are infected with the pop sound that will make them an even bigger hit in the Hipster scene.  Of course, no artist output will be complete without the slow, mushy ballad, and on The Lady Luck, it happens to be “I’ll Run,” which is what’ll be happening to all those expecting a heartfelt song, not something that feels as forced out as a baby.

The Cab may have some flaws, but it’s to be expected of a new band, and that won’t stop them. They have had their first taste of fame, and the rush will bring them around to a stronger album. Keep them in your iPod. You won’t be lead astray.

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