Acoustic Guitar Guy at the Party
It’s always easy to find the guy at the edge of a party sitting there serenading some cuties with an acoustic guitar and home-spun honest lyrics. He’s always there. If someone decided to sit close by and record that stairway session it would probably sound a lot like Korey Dane’s new album Youngblood, and that should be taken as a compliment. Like the guy in the corner, Dane’s music isn’t earth shattering, but it is relatable, honest and means something to the people who take the time to listen.
The majority of the songs on this album take the shape of slow Americana ballads. These wide-eyed love songs tell stories of lovers both found and lost. Dane’s songs take shape as a steady acoustic guitar around his sweetly forlorn voice, and build as he adds steel guitar, piano or sparse electric riffs. Not all songs follow this formula though. This record opens with a more sunny song “Jules Verne.” This more upbeat song employs a bright acoustic guitar, and Dane’s voice reverbs wonderfully as it builds to the end of each stanza.
Now, both styles of Dane’s songs are thoroughly enjoyable, but the real standout is “You’ll Be Had.” This song goes down like a well brewed IPA. Yeah, it’s bitter, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t great. This song’s heavy hitting lyrics offer a fair warning of the dangers of falling in love, and paint the sad picture of potentially being used. Along with the ever-present acoustic, Dane’s hurt lyrics are framed by perfectly struck piano keys and a soaring electric guitar solo.
Like the acoustic picker at the corner of the party, Korey Dane’s Youngblood deserves listeners. So take a second, sit down and give it a listen. It will probably make the party a little more enjoyable.