Redefining the feelings of love
When you thought that every phrase, every possible way of explaining what being in love and feeling loved has been overused, here comes Ben Lee to prove you wrong. Love Is the Great Rebellion is Australian singer/songwriter Ben Lee’s first album for Warner Bros. Records, and in total his tenth studio album.
With lyrics like “I picture a love that’s as hot as a fire…it keeps getting brighter” in the opening track “Giving up on Miracles,” Lee definitely piques the listener’s interest. He does not rely on clichés to describe or talk about love. “Giving up on Miracles” is surprisingly upbeat, given the title. The beat is borderline what might be heard in a soft rock song.
The overall happy and light tone of “Big Love” just makes you want to smile from start to finish. In this song, Lee’s voice is reminiscent of Tom Petty’s. It has a good build up and the medley created through the methodical drumming, guitar strumming and back-up vocals help deliver Lee’s message.
“The Body of Love” opens with a mellow strumming of the guitar and Lee’s vocals carefully sashaying through the sounds of the guitar and keyboard. He talks about the feelings one experiences with a significant other. This tune seemingly describes the different stages of being part of a couple and staying connected with your being. Learning to accept being part of whole, dealing with emotions and comforting one another when it’s needed are all part of growth within a relationship.
Bag pipes and timed drumming all introduce “Let the Fire Die” is unexpected and refreshing. Much like the title, this song describes the possibility of a relationship dissolving. Hope and continually working with your partner to keep the spark alive in a relationship are the driving forces of “Let the Fire Die.”
Love Is the Great Rebellion features 13 songs. It has a blend of happy and upbeat to deep and emotional tracks that speak to the different aspects of love. What the listener learns from this album is, yes, being in love is great, but loving oneself is just as awesome and the first step needed before loving another person. Lee’s songwriting skills shine throughout the album because he allows listeners to explore love in original ways, which is a difficult task in the 21th century.