With great pride, we premiere the new debut album of the multi-instrumentalist outfit Echo Response, Triangles. Echo Response is the brainchild of Portland, Maine-based artist Jason Ingalls, who was also part of The Baltic Sea, El Malo and Seekonk. With Triangles, Ingalls expands the audience’s horizon of how the world can sound.
Ingalls mixes different elements and genres together to form one unique soundscape. Before the release of the new record, Echo Response only released one track, “BIFAR.” But the other songs on the album also show great promise and take the listener on a galctical journey of sound. Mixing reggae beats with electric guitars and maybe something that could be described as “‘80s mystery show theme” the album never loses the audiences fascination.
“This album was born out of creatively distracting myself from another body of work,” Ingalls explains. “I invented a group in my head; a ragtag dub band on tour, traveling through time and space with all the regular trappings of being a small local band on tour. A gig in an asteroid bar, a gig on an empty moon to no one but the bartender who isn’t amused, the long drives, the lack of sleep, the surrealness of strangers’ houses on planets you’ve only heard about. Sadly, no recordings of the actual gigs exist, just these gems from soundcheck. Hence why some are one riff meditations while others have deeper forms. I played all the instruments save for the saxophone which was played by my dear friend Rexy Dinosaur. Mixed at Acadia Recording Company in Portland ME by Todd Hutchisen who really made this record what it is. Mastered by Patrick Keane who I cannot thank enough for opening up doors I didn’t know existed.”
Especially tracks like, “Quite The Curious State,” show the audience that purely instrumental music doesn’t have to be background music. The different notes and elements through out the song are maybe comparable with fine wine. You need to take a sip and really feel it to notice the complexions and hints that carry the full flavor. It is not obviously presented to you, but it takes some time and focus to really start appreciating the art you have been presented.
But enough about us, you can enjoy an exclusive taste of the upcoming new record, which will officially be released tomorrow, March 18 via Pax Aeternum.
Get lost in the album art.