Photo Review: Secret Chiefs 3 Live at Union Pool

The genre-defying collective Secret Chiefs 3 delivered an electrifying performance at Union Pool in Brooklyn, NY. Led by Trey Spruance, the band has a reputation for blending a wide range of styles, and this performance was no exception. They fused elements of surf rock, Middle Eastern scales, and electronic textures into something that felt entirely cohesive and original. The intimacy of Union Pool’s venue only enhanced the experience, allowing fans to connect with the band on a deeper level amd create an undeniable sense of unity.



All photos by Vivianne Navarrete

Vivianne Navarrete: I am a photographer and mixed media artist based in NYC. My work focuses on capturing the energy felt at concerts, specifically DIY shows. Currently, I am getting a BFA in photography at Parsons School of Design.
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