Lydia Loveless Releases a Reimagined Piano Ballad Version of “Somewhere Else” Titled “Something Else”

Lydia Loveless’s sophomore album Somewhere Else celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year and in celebration of the highly acclaimed album, Loveless surprised their fans by releasing a reimagined version of the album titled Something Else. Watch the piano ballad rendition of “Somewhere Else” below:

While the original “Somewhere Else” is a twangy, country-esque tune that showcases Loveless’s vocal range beautifully, the new version is softer, almost dreamlike. The accompanying vocals from Jason Isbell in this ballad intertwine with Loveless’s seamlessly, creating a much more tender and heartfelt message.

Loveless began working on Something Else following the success of their album Nothing’s Gonna Stand In My Way Again and the subsequent tour last year. Loveless began perusing her old journals to understand her 22-year-old self better in order to create Something Else. Loveless says of the experience, “I discovered a lot of very tiny, practically illegible scribbles by a very angry person who seemed to hate themselves and everyone around them. I didn’t like much of what I was reading. The me of 2012-2013 was drowning in pain and insecurity and my own press, pissed off that nobody could see me for who I really was, what I had really been through and how hard it was to be me. […] I was frustrated as could be, not coming up with anything that I felt was ‘me’ or even remotely song like…I don’t remember when things finally broke open for me but I’m certain it had to do with some romantic obsessions I was carrying around, past and present, and I decided to dig in my heels and not try to be accommodating with my words. It wasn’t doing me any favors to be an asshole only in my diary, I had to spill it all over the record too. And Somewhere Else was completed.”

Something Else is available for streaming and purchasing now.

Lauren Rettig: Lauren is a writer and student at York College of Pennsylvania. Her creative work includes collaborations with The York Review and The Rough Draft Podcast, while her academic work has taken her to the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association's 2024 conference. When she's not writing, Lauren spends her time listening to COIN and playing The Sims 4.
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