Live Review + Photos: ScHoolboy Q featuring Devin Malik and AZCHIKE

The legendary ScHoolboy Q brought his A+ work to the Roxy, transforming the iconic venue in LA into a hotspot of Hip-Hop energy. It was clear fans were eager for the show because by 7:30 pm, they were already forming long lines down Hammond Street, for the 9:00 pm show. The small but intimate venue was packed shoulder to shoulder by the time the doors opened at 8:00 pm. The Roxy was playing classic rap tracks that blasted over the speakers. Known for its intimate setting, the Roxy was perfect for School Boy Q to be closer to his fans. The stage was set with a DJ booth and a sign that read “Blue Lips” —the title of ScHoolboy Q’s new album — in a whimsical, childlike cursive. The stage was illuminated by ambient blue lights that cast a moody glow over the room. This minimalist yet evocative stage setup allowed for the audience to focus on the artist’s raw emotions and their lyricism. 

At exactly 8:55 pm, DJ Slim took the stage and ignited the crowd with a commanding “LA, make some noise!” His set was nothing short of a masterclass in crowd engagement, effortlessly blending old-school rap with cutting-edge sounds and beats from the DJ board. Seamlessly transitioning between tracks by Lil Yachty, Meek Mill and Kendrick Lamar, Slim took the audience on a sonic journey that felt fresh. The energy in the room surged as his booming voice reverberated through the speakers, compelling the audience to jump, wave and sing along. Each call for participation was met with overwhelming enthusiasm, driven by his innovative mixing and high-octane energy.

As anticipation reached its peak, Devin Malik, an emerging rapper with a growing fanbase, joined Slim on stage. Malik’s performance was captivating, showcasing his charisma and flawless flow. He delivered rapid-fire verses, leaving fans eager for more. His lyrics, centered on themes of wealth, street life and relationships, resonated deeply with the crowd. His set featured standout tracks like “Geekertown” and “Moonlight,” each showcasing his lyrical skill and emotional depth. In “Geekertown,” Malik explored themes of wealth and success with verses that were both upbeat and catchy. The track’s 808 synth beat, combined with Malik’s vivid storytelling, painted a thought-provoking narrative of his lifestyle. Malik also sang “Moonlight,” which offered a contrasting vibe with its slower, introspective rhymes. Here, Malik reflected on life in LA and the complexities of relationships. This song was less about being gangster and more about love, bringing a more personal and reflective tone to his performance. The change in tempo allowed Malik to showcase his versatility, shifting from high-energy anthems to more contemplative tracks. By the end of his set, Malik had firmly established himself as a captivating artist. The LA crowd clearly resonated with his energy, responding with enthusiastic cheers as he expressed his gratitude. Malik made a lasting impression by seamlessly blending compelling lyrics with high charisma. Before exiting the stage around 9:20 pm, he thanked the captivated audience and gave a shout-out to ScHoolboy Q.

Devin Malik



The excitement surged when AZCHIKE, another rising star in the West Coast rap scene, took the stage. AZ delivered an impressive set. Sporting a sleek tracksuit and matching hat, he infused his performance with an authentic and gritty edge through tracks about street life, luxury clothes and loyalty to his gang. His delivery was raw and intense, even though he rapped over pre-recorded vocals. The crowd responded with enthusiasm, particularly during his emotional tribute to a fallen friend with the song “RIP Sway” as fans were seen filming the moment. His 30-minute set was a display of pure passion, setting the stage and energy perfectly for ScHoolboy Q.






Finally, at 10:00 pm, after another DJ set filled with crowd favorites like Travis Scott’s “Antidote” and Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright,” the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. ScHoolboy Q, came out dressed in a blue trucker hat and a shirt that matched the “Blue Lips” sign. Q immediately captivated the audience by repeatedly saying “What’s up LA.” From the first notes of his set, the audience seemed to know his songs. His passion made it clear that he was here to remind everyone why he’s one of LA’s most beloved rappers. ScHoolboy Q wasted no time in diving into his extensive catalog, singing songs like “Water” and “Gangsta.” The crowd was ignited trying to rap along to the aggressive beats. ScHoolBoy Q sang raw lyrics that reflected on his journey from growing up in poverty to achieving success and wealth. The excitement peaked when Q effortlessly transitioned into “Collard Greens.” One of his most popular tracks to date, the song perfectly embodies his blended style with a catchy hook. The crowd’s response was intense, rapping along with every word, their voices rising in unison with Q’s. Most of Q’s lyrics dive into themes of success and celebrating his rise from humble beginnings — “Collard Greens” is about the freedom to buy whatever he wants and the lifestyle that comes with it. The standout feature is Kendrick Lamar’s memorable hook. The recorded chorus, with its catchy and rhythmic delivery, contrasted effectively well with Q’s verses creating an engaging listening experience. It was definitely the most electrifying moment of the night demonstrating the song’s enduring appeal. Sending waves of energy through the venue, Q had the crowd singing in complete unison. It was a breathtaking experience to witness and be a part of.

As the night progressed, Q took the audience on a journey through his discography, mixing in other crowd-pleasers like “Man of the Year” and “THat Part.” “Man of the Year,” had a celebratory vibe in which he gloated about being the best. The song’s upbeat tempo had fans sweating and dancing around to the drum beat. Q is known for his catchy choruses, which the crowd responded to by singing with him on every song. Q was enthusiastic on stage as he moved his body to the rhythm and continued to do crowd work. Q was seen as confident, with a triumphant persona as he ran back and forth across the stage making his performance unforgettable. “THat Part,” a collaboration with Kanye West, further showcased Q’s popularity and versatility. The song features a distinctive, minimalist beat with a memorable, almost hypnotic hook. The crowd was drawn into the track’s groove, as in union they repeatedly sang the words “That part.” Although the song has a slower tempo than his other tracks, its laid-back yet impactful rhythm created a compelling contrast to the rest of the performance. Q’s live rendition emphasized the song’s unique blend of swagger and introspection. All the fans seemed engaged, despite the fact that Kanye West was not present to perform the chorus.

Songs like “Man of the Year” and “THat Part” added layers of excitement and variety to the performance throughout the night, keeping the audience energized and fully immersed in the experience. Q’s connection with the audience was strong as he took moments between songs to speak directly to the crowd, expressing genuine emotion. Throughout the night ScHoolBoy Q thanked the audience for their continued support and promised more music to come. His love for LA was evident, and the crowd reciprocated with chants of his name and thunderous applause. At one point of the night, Q threw out water bottles to his sweating fans, turning the Roxy into a sea of waving hands and smiling faces as they danced and sang all night long.

Midway through the set, ScHoolboy Q slowed things down again with the introspective track “Blessed.” The mood in the room shifted as the crowd swayed to the more melodic beat, the lyrics hitting a deeper, more emotional chord. Although some songs were slower than others, each one was performed with powerful delivery and immense passion. Q went on to sing a few more songs like “Break the Bank,” and “Dope Dealer.” Tracks that brought back the raw, aggressive energy that had defined the beginning of the set. The crowd roared in approval as Q’s delivery was intense, like a hit from a sledgehammer. 

As the clock neared 11:26 pm, Q began to wind down the set with “Hands on the Wheel” and “Floating,” two tracks that perfectly encapsulated the evening’s blend of high energy. The audience, though visibly worn out from the non-stop excitement, remained fully engaged, singing along to both popular songs. After performing a couple more tracks and extending past the scheduled end time of 11:15 pm, Q stood at the edge of the stage, looking out over the sweaty, satisfied crowd with a smile. The cheers were deafening as he thanked everyone for coming to the intimate venue, giving a special shout-out to the Roxy and LA.

As the lights came up and fans began to leave the Roxy, it was clear that ScHoolboy Q had delivered an outstanding performance. Despite having performed for two consecutive nights, Q announced he would continue his tour for two more nights in LA. His strong connection with his fans made the night unforgettable. The Roxy, with its intimate setting and legendary status, was the perfect venue for a show that celebrated Hip-Hop and served as a heartfelt thank you to his dedicated fans. The performance of his new album Blue Lips, after a five-year hiatus, was a significant moment for his fans. Overall, the ScHoolboy Q show at the Roxy was a stellar performance that will go down in the books.

ScHoolboy Q




ScHoolboy Q Setlist 

  1. Funny Guy 
  2. THank god 4 me 
  3. Pop 
  4. Break the Bank 
  5. Collard Greens 
  6. Studio 
  7. Man of the Year 
  8. Hands on the Wheel 
  9. THat Part 
  10. By Any Means 
  11. Dope Dealer 
  12. Floating 
  13. Blessed 
  14. Water 
  15. Numb Numb Juice 
  16. CrasH 
  17. Blueslides 
  18. Hell of a Night 
  19. Movie 
  20. Yeern 101
  21. There He Go 
  22. Back n Love 
  23. Foux
  24. Can I Call You Rose/Love Birds
  25. Back n Love
  26. Cooties
  27. Movie
  28. JoHn Muir 

All photos by Sam Pittman

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