Album Review: Clairo – Charm

With Charm being Clairo’s third album, listeners are treated to a rather mesmerizing collection of songs. The seamless blend of soft rock, soul and jazz invites the listener into an otherworldly allure with each track.

Freshly released on July 12th, the album’s 11 tracks circle the theme of exploring the “gray area” that comes with being charmed by another. With a lack of knowledge about an individual, there tends to be much more room for uncertainty. Clairo wanted to make up the uncertainty, whether good or bad,  and now listeners have the pleasure of listening to whatever that may be, on this record. 

The first track on this album, “Nomad,” relays a message of seeking transient love. The preference of being alone and wanting to escape, rather than facing the vulnerability that comes with settling down in relationships. The layered sounds in this piece turn the song to life with the accompaniment of Clairo’s soothing vocals. As a listener, the ups and downs can be deeply felt within the story being told, solely through Clairo’s hand-picked sounds. 

In an interview Clairo talks about the missing piece of sensuality in her life. She says she approached this album differently than her other two with this in mind, and the track “Sexy to Someone” is the result of that. 

A “Terrapin” is a small, freshwater turtle. With the movements of a turtle head often hiding away when scared, Clairo took this term and turned it into a song about shying away. The track “Terrapin” has a mellow intro that leads into a song of the same caliber. Throughout the track, there are a few piano interludes that tastefully complement this piece.

Each track on this album emulates vibes of tranquility mixed with psychedelic folk. “Pier,” the final track on this album, is a perfect finale to end off this musical journey. This track flawlessly encapsulates the album as a whole and leaves us knowing that, the third time is the charm. 

Kiera McCord: Hello! I am Kiera McCord, a current junior majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Music Business at Chapman University in Orange California. I call Vancouver, Canada home where I was born and raised with my four sisters. Growing up playing piano and many sports, I have always been one to involve myself. Throughout my years at college I have found a newfound love for music, where I want to be around it as much as possible!
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