Album Review: Beachwood Sparks – Across The River Of Stars

The rock band Beachwood Sparks has come out with their first album since 2013. They exude euphoria, nostalgia and a ‘70s rock sound of love and hope in Across The River Of Stars.

The first song of their triumphant return shows just how excited they are to be back together and making music that releases so much joy. “My Love My Love” seems to be about music as their ‘love’ and it is shown just how exciting the love is in the captivating sounds of this song.

The mellowness of Chris Gunst’s voice in contrast to the high-tempo drums, harmonies and piano gives a surprising comfort to “Torn In Two.” This band has been in a sense ‘torn in two’ and are now reunited creating a phenomenal blend after being brought back together.

“Gem” brings exposed and voluble confusion in the most beautiful way. “And I don’t know how we’re spinning in a star-filled void / Know that I’ll always love you / You’ll always be a home through the unknown.” In an inspirational way, they portray how at times, one can know so little, but the little that they do know can become so important that they don’t care about being in a state of oblivion in so many other ways. This message paired with the charming chords and patterns makes this song stand out.

The eighth track on the album contains a soul-enhancing guitar throughout the entire track. The way that this song encapsulates a space while listening is something extremely special. “High Noon” has a production that sounds as if every instrument and vocal is flowing through the wind in a perfect wave.

Last but not least, “Wild Swans” comes in with a techno keyboard and mellow bassline. The last line in the album “I see the music never ends,” after singing “You’re my friend until the music ends” earlier in the track, is their way of saying that it will not end and alludes to continuity, how their music will carry out forever.

Every single song in Across The River Of Stars solidify that Beachwood Sparks has not skipped a beat regardless of not having released new music in 11 years. There is not a single song not worth listening to, as the band has come back together with their same nostalgic sound, just enhanced. This album is nine songs long and will leave listeners wanting so much more — looking forward to what they are going to create in the future.

Nicole Sacks: Hi! I am a senior at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am a Management and Entrepreneurship major with a collateral in Marketing. I am pursuing a career in the music industry, taking knowledge from my field of study and incorporating it into my professional goals. I am very passionate about all things music and am very excited to turn it into a career!
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