Album Review: Turin – The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing


The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing is a soul-shaking album.

Death metal band Turin is known for its fabulously loud music. The band just released their album, The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing, where each track has a face-smacking dose of melodic deathcore and cinematic vibes that blends in with the ongoing craziness. The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing shows how death metal can still thrive in the world of music when each instrument and vocalist is able to share their feelings through sharp instrumentation and astounding vocals.

“Envy” kicks things off with a solid bang thanks to the dynamic guitar playing sizzling the atmosphere with electrifying notes that contribute to the lingering musical insanity. Each guitar riff on “Envy” captures how creative death metal can be when you have the right musicians in the band. The whole musical arrangement is well-played and fans will not be disappointed with this composition. Turin is a gifted band, their love for music can be felt throughout the whole album.

In death metal the vocal performance plays an important part, each vocal tone brings realism to each tune and with “I Am The Truth,” the vocalist does a great job of passionately yelling out the lyrics in pure anger. In ways, the angry performance on “I Am The Truth” does speak for those who are afraid to speak out, finding a community in the honest lyrics. Also, the vocalist does a great job sharing his feelings by using his powerful and emotional voice.

The album’s title track is simply stunning, the drum playing captures the feelings Turin is portraying. Right off the bat, the thunderous sounds of heart-jolting drum beats can be heard shaking the background with amazing noise. The absolute best part of this composition is hearing the drummer sharing his feelings too, with heavy smacks on the drum heads. The emotions of loss and despair can be felt in the drummer’s rapid drumming style.

“Hopeless Solutions” is a true death metal jam thanks to the killer bassist, who shakes things up with vein-jolting riffs that contribute to the continuous insanity. While listening, each bass guitar bellows deep rumbling notes that blend with the rest of the jolting instrumentation. The noise of heavy bass guitar riffs will cause some listeners to headbang while “Hopeless Solutions” is blaring from their speakers.

The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing is an example of what pure death metal sounds like. Surely fans will not be disappointed with Turin’s latest musical masterpiece of hell and madness.

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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