Album Review: Victoria Bigelow – Songs For No One Vol. 2

Sometimes the smallest collection of songs can be the most powerful. Victoria Bigelow demonstrates this in Songs For No One Vol. 2 with five beautiful songs that leave listeners wanting more.

“Waiting for someone to come to me / I’m hungry for them all” on the first track “Under The Tree” perfectly encompasses that these songs are in fact for no one. Bigelow’s voice flows through this track like an ocean with an increasingly powerful current. Nothing is holding her back as wonderful harmonies and instrumentals are supporting her the whole way.

The second track “The Kids” starts off with a hypnotizing drum/guitar/flute combination. Bigelow makes it impossible to sit still during this song as you can hear joy in her voice. The bridge-to-chorus transition deserves recognition for how smooth and flawless it is, and how she continues to build mountains in this song.

“Going Blue” is a sorrowful song about self-doubt and wonderment. “Does everybody get this weird when they’re alone / I don’t know if I’m cut out for this” Bigelow yelled out, in her soft voice, asking for reassurance to help feel the peace she longs for. The production of this song fits the message as it winds and isolates her voice, building back up for an explosion along with her lyrics.

“I’d Like To Bring You” is very calm and sweet, a soft acoustic guitar intertwines with Bigelow’s soothing voice, once again bringing a sense of peace to this album. Leading to the fifth and final track, “Now and Then” is focused on isolating Bigelow’s voice as it is turned up significantly more than the rest of the instrumentals. This is a short song to close out a short part two album and it has the feeling that she is singing her listeners a lullaby and putting her beautiful album to a close.

Victoria Bigelow’s Songs For No One Vol. 2 is not to be overlooked. Bigelow’s voice is as ravishing as she is honest — on every single track.

Nicole Sacks: Hi! I am a senior at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am a Management and Entrepreneurship major with a collateral in Marketing. I am pursuing a career in the music industry, taking knowledge from my field of study and incorporating it into my professional goals. I am very passionate about all things music and am very excited to turn it into a career!
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