Album Review: Decline and Fall – Gloom EP

That’s the gloom which fills my heart.

Hailing from Portugal, Decline and Fall’s debut EP, Gloom, consists of 4 tracks that highlight the somber aspects of loneliness. The entire body of work takes on a similar sound, incorporating elements of post-punk, dark wave, rock, and EBM — complementing the haunting vocals that convey tales of deceit, forgiveness, depression and disappointment.

The opening track, “Belief,” expresses the artist’s feelings of empowerment, when he believed he could overcome anything with his partner by his side. However, those emotions eventually fade. He sings, “One time I did believe her / No sea or river would drag me under,” but his perspective changes to, “Now I don’t believe her / No hand ever pulled me through.” He had relied on someone to support and motivate him to improve, but when he needed that support the most, his partner was nowhere to be found.

“Undone” is about moving on from someone who has left, no matter how broken one may feel. The most powerful lyric in the track, “Let me cling to life without you,” is followed by an emotional instrumental with a powerful guitar riff and supportive string lead that sheds a bit of light onto the rather somber track.

The title track of the EP, “Gloom,” delves into the theme of depression and the desire to escape rather than confront one’s inner struggles. The lyrics express the singer’s want to descend to the bottom of the ocean, seeking peace and relief from their pain. Adding to the already somber tone, the artist emphasizes their desire to resurface like a wave on the beach. This metaphor underscores the feeling of insignificance conveyed in the song.

In the final track of the EP, “Europa,” there is a stark reminder about unattainable goals and the idea that some things aren’t meant to be. He sings, “We all had a dream / to be united as one / progress in peace / easier said than done.” The track builds with the help of other musical elements, like drums, guitar, a plucky lead and a very cool crush effect on the vocal!

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