Fire Marshall Shuts Down Joyce Manor’s Florida Show, Fan Arrested

In recent news, a Joyce Manor show took a turn for the worse as police got involved and shut the show down early. According to NME, the show, which took place in Jacksonville, Florida, was shut down early by fire marshals shortly after the show had just begun. 

According to NME, the issues began with fans’ inclination to show their passion and devotion to their favorite band by being extremely energetic during the show. For instance, the fans were rushing to the front of the crowd and were trying to “crowd surf” despite security guards enforcing them not to. Nevertheless, fans disregarded those orders and continued to “crowd surf” which led police to shut down the show. One specific video that was posted to X can be seen above where police were allegedly forceful with one individual. The post and comments from fans show their disapproval of the way the police handled the attendee claiming he was completely innocent and that the alleged excessive force was unnecessary. 

The posts themselves, which can also be seen above, were evidently expressing the distaste from people with the incident. For example, one wrote, “who booked a punk show and expected people not to mosh?” With this statement, it is clear that many fans felt the Joyce Manor show would inevitably contain moshing and high energy so they were taken aback by the serious repercussions via law enforcement.

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